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Meet the team

On our facilitation and support team is a registered social worker, a registered nurse, a childbirth educator and midwife, and an early childhood teacher.

"We ask when we don’t know, check what we think we know and approach with compassion when we are sure. Our commitment extends not only to our mahi but also to each other. This isn't just a job; it's our passion."

Alice Grainger

Kia ora, ko Alice Grainger tōku ingoa.

I am a compassionate and self-motivated mother and Mental Health and Addiction Nurse. I popped over to New Zealand when I was 18 with my parents from a little island in the Irish sea called the Isle of Man. New Zealand is such a beautiful place and I love Tauranga. I found my professional passion supporting other mothers on their own journey after I became a mother. I have two children under the age of five. It's been a rollercoaster of a journey with little sleep, but it’s one of the most important jobs in the world. No one should feel alone or not supported. Being able to listen, advocate, and support parents on this journey is such an honour. 

Ngā mihi nui, Alice

Alice Grainger, RN, PgCert


Choiwee Moon

My name is Choiwee Moon. I have Māori and French heritage, am based in the Bay of Plenty, and Māmā to three beautiful children.

In 2016, I embarked on a deep journey of self-discovery, which led me to life-changing healing and understanding in the areas of depression, family violence, post-traumatic stress disorder, and mental illness.

From a burning desire to dive further into my own learning and to support long-term change for others, I founded Mama Chow Holistic Healing in 2020. Here I offer a multitude of 1:1 holistic healing immersion sessions and coaching for individuals and couples. I work deeply to create safe, judgement free spaces where deep trauma healing and transformation can take place.

Navigating through my own journey of motherhood; having my first baby at 20, being diagnosed with pre and post-natal depression after my second bub, and then becoming a single mother six years ago, has given me inspiration and passion to support other mums. My combination of life experience and passion led to me to True Colours, and I am thrilled to be aligned with such an amazing, supportive space.


Amanda Hewson

As a practitioner working in the perinatal space for over 16 years, I have supported many women living with anxiety, depression, and psychosis during the antenatal and postnatal period. 

True colours is a space to hold and honour the mother. It is a privilege to be a part of this wonderful and sacred service, providing a space for women to gather, share their experience with courage and vulnerability, and through this sharing, find a path to healing and strength. 

Michelle Hall

Ko Waitakere tōku pae maunga
Ko Waitemata tōku moana

Ko Patrick Donovan te rangatira o runga

Ko Aerana tōku iwi

Ko Devey tōku hapu

Ko Hall tōku whānau

Ko Michelle tōku ingoa

Originally from Tāmaki Makaurau, Tauranga Moana has been my home for 16 years, where I live with my husband, Robert, and daughter. 

My journey into motherhood started with a strong determination to prove the medical profession wrong, successfully conceiving and having a homebirth surrounded by my family. The first year of being a new mother proved to be the most stressful and isolated period I have ever experienced. Coping with a screaming baby suffering from undiagnosed reflux, coupled with the expectation that I had to manage everything on my own as a capable and organised woman, resulted in overwhelming feelings of failure. Lacking adequate postnatal preparation and support, I spiralled into a deep postnatal depression that took years to overcome.

Thankfully, I allowed loved ones to assist in my recovery and rediscovering my identity as a mother, choosing to embrace life. It hasn’t been easy to break through the barriers and stigma surrounding maternal mental health, or societal myths around intensive, solitary mothering. My introspective journey to understand the meaning of motherhood for me revealed that a fundamental and sacred aspect of a mother’s wellbeing involves being embraced within a community of fellow women and mothers. It took time for me to find this within motherhood and inspired me to establish it for others through True Colours - Honouring the Mother.

I described this mahi as my ‘heart work’ and the past six years of supporting māmā, pēpi, and whānau has inspired my recently completed Master’s research titled Transitioning to parenting – embrace, educate, empower – a pathway to supporting perinatal mental wellbeing in Aotearoa New Zealand.

I eagerly anticipate the next chapter at True Colours - Honouring the Mother, as we invite additional facilitators to contribute their wisdom, empathy, and strength to support and walk with māmā.

Michelle Hall MSc, BSc, MaSW 
Phone: 021 541 440



+64 21 541 440


Group Meetings
Lifezone Church, 7 Oak, Lane
Judea, Tauranga

Online via Zoom